Job Description:The Japan Foundation’s program provides support to outstanding scholars and doctoral candidates in the field by providing the opportunity to conduct research in Japan.
Categories and Duration of Fellowship
The minimum and maximum durations for the fellowship are indicated in parentheses. The duration of the fellowship may be adjusted by the Foundation.
Scholars and Researchers (Long-Term) (2-12 months): Scholars and researchers in the humanities or social sciences.
Scholars and Researchers (Short-Term) (21-59 days): Scholars and researchers in the humanities or social sciences who need to conduct intensive research in Japan.
Doctoral Candidates (4-12 months): Doctoral candidates in the humanities or social sciences.
Applicants must be American citizens, American citizens temporarily residing abroad, or permanent residents of the United States. Americans with permanent residency abroad should submit their applications to the Japan Foundation’s office in the country where they reside or to the Japanese diplomatic mission of their resident country no later than December 1, 2010, using a different form.
Applicants residing in the United States who are neither U.S. citizens nor permanent residents should submit their applications to the Foundation’s Tokyo Headquarters no later than December 1, 2010, using a different form.
Doctoral Candidates must have achieved ABD status by the time the fellowship begins.
In principle, Scholars and Researchers (both Long-Term and Short-Term) must hold a Ph.D. and have substantial experience in research, teaching and writing in the fields of the humanities or social sciences.
Previous recipients of Japan Foundation fellowships, such as the Japanese Studies Fellowship,or Abe Fellowship, etc., are eligible to reapply only if, on April 1, 2010, a full three years have elapsed since the termination of their most recent fellowship. Previous Short-Term Research Fellows may reapply after one full year from the termination of their most recent fellowships.
Applicants must be in good health.
Applicants must be proficient in either Japanese or English.
Applicants must secure all affiliation arrangements by the application deadline (excluding the Research Fellowship (Short-Term)).
In principle, applicants must be able to stay continuously in Japan for the term of fellowship.
Individuals meeting any of the following conditions are not eligible to apply:
Scholars or researchers in the natural sciences, medicine or engineering;
Undergraduates; Master’s degree candidates; those intending to enroll in Undergraduate or Master’s courses at universities in Japan; or graduates who are to pursue Ph.D. courses in Japan;
Those who intend to use the fellowship for political or religious purposes;
Those who primarily intend to enhance their Japanese language ability or technical skills;
Those who intend to develop and/or produce Japanese language teaching materials;
Those who intend to acquire artistic training in the area of Japanese traditional culture (tea ceremony, flower arrangement, etc);
Those who plan to receive other grants concurrently with the fellowship;
Those who will have been in Japan continuously between April 1, 2010 and April 1, 2011.
Selection Criteria
Project quality is evaluated on the basis of the following:
a. The project’s significance to the field and to the applicant’s professional development
b. The project’s feasibility in terms of time and resources
c. The securing of appropriate affiliation
d. Evidence that residence in Japan is necessary for completion of the project
e. Plans to disseminate research findings, etc., in Japan and abroad
Training, academic history, academic rank or position, professional reputation, and accomplishments are evaluated.
Former Japan Foundation fellows who have been awarded two or more Foundation fellowships will be put under particularly rigorous examination.
To the extent permitted by program requirements and selection criteria, efforts are made to maintain disciplinary, geographic, and institutional diversity (Applications from the Social Science fields are highly welcomed.)
For the Doctoral Fellowship, higher priority will be given to those who are expected to submit their dissertation thesis shortly after the completion of the fellowship; preference will normally be given to doctoral candidates under 35 years of age.
For the Research Fellowship (Long-Term), priority will be given to relatively junior scholars and researchers, and to those with less research experience in Japan.
For the Research Fellowship (Short-Term), priority will be given to relatively experienced scholars and researchers who are expected to publish their research results shortly after the completion of their fellowship.
Grantees already in Japan before the commencement of the fellowship will receive only a one-way airfare to their home countries.
Basic Terms and Conditions
The Japan Foundation fellowships are tenable only in Japan.
Fellows are expected to devote their full time to the pursuit of the goal described in their applications.
The proposal commencement date for 2011-2012 must fall between May 10, 2011 and March 15, 2012.
In principle, no change in the month of the commencement or of the termination of the fellowship will be allowed. If a grantee must change either for unavoidable reasons, he/she must obtain the Foundation’s approval beforehand, in writing.
If a grantee is offered any other grant whose duration overlaps with that of the Foundation’s fellowship, he/she must decline either the Foundation’s fellowship or the other grant for the overlapping period. If there is overlap, the Foundation will not permit any change in the commencement month of the fellowship, in order to allow the fellow to receive both grants.
No extension of the duration of the fellowship can be allowed for any reason whatsoever.
Applicants are responsible for making the necessary arrangements for institutional affiliation. Fellows are also responsible for securing their own long-term accommodations.
Grant programs of the Japan Foundation are operated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Foundation.
If fellows are mentioned in publicity or media during the fellowship period, fellows are, in principle, to specify that they are in Japan on a Japan Foundation Fellowship.
Fellows are to submit quarterly reports during the fellowship period, a final project report, and an outcome of the project, i.e., a book or a report, etc., to the Japan Foundation.
Disclosure of Information
When a request for information based on the Law Concerning the Disclosure of Information Held by Independent Administrative Institutions, etc. (Law No. 140 of December 5, 2001) is received, materials such as submitted application forms will be disclosed (unless stipulated by said law as not to be disclosed).
Use of Personal Information
The Japan Foundation handles personal information in concordance with the Law Concerning Access to Personal Information Held by Independent Administrative Institutions (Law No. 59 of 2003).
Details of the fellowship, such as name, gender, occupation, position, project title, advisor, affiliated institution, etc., are published in the Detailed Annual Report of the Japan Foundation Activities, the Annual Report, the Japan Foundation Newsletter, Fellows List, the Foundation’s website, and in any other public-relations materials. They are also used to compile statistics in the Annual
Application Procedures
The application deadline is November 1, 2010. Applications must be submitted on-line at For further information or questions, please contact
The Japan Foundation, New York
Tel: 212-489-0299
Fax: 212-489-0409
Email Inquiry: